Trembling Pillow Press

Of Love & Capital

Of Love & Capital

by Christopher Rizzo

$15.00 | October 31, 2012 |

ISBN: 978-0-9790702-9-7

Winner of the 2012 Bob Kaufman Book Prize selected by Bernadette Mayer

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“I want to write a Christopher Rizzo poem. He reminds me of Clark Coolidge. So here it is: demeter disney’s demerol drinks in / her daughter’s forgetting that she / lives in the show me state, full of gentian prairies. Or this: I once knew a guy named Gerard Rizza / Whose poetry I also loved; there’s also RZA / Of the Wu-Tang Clan. (P.S. You have permission to sign my name as William James). Always striving!”
—Bernadette Mayer, author of Ethics of Sleep (2012 Judge of the Bob Kaufman Award)

“The unnerving nerves of this first-rate book are a deep-sampling via elegant breaks & stabs of our new & nervy ‘microwavable century’, a mix with a BPM rate has John Wieners & Frank O’Hara dance all night (yet never getting to the slow) as they do, double-scratched as they are with all our other fathers & mothers into this double, triple, multi-layered HVP (High Velocity Poetry): It will tup you to ramiform boo as its juju goes loco with mojo. Read this book standing up and moving about, & just try not to wake up on fire. Who said that? You, our century, did. Love it!”
—Pierre Joris, author of Poasis

About the Author

Christopher RizzoChristopher Rizzo is a poet, scholar, and editor who lives in Albany, New York. Awarded the Academy of American Poets’ Phyllis Hurd Liston Poetry Prize in 2011, Christopher has published a range of critical and creative work in numerous magazines and journals, both in print and online. The founding editor of Anchorite Press, he currently lectures at the University at Albany, where he is finishing his doctorate in English on twentieth century American poetics. His latest full length collection of poetry, Near Point Balance, is forthcoming from Skysill Press.