Trembling Pillow Press

FILL: A Collection

FILL: A Collectionby Kate Schapira and Erika Howsare

$16.00 | July 2016

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In a welter of waste, which blooms off every spent milk jug and engineered riverbed, a scavenger traverses the remains of a world. The wastenaut is “one sick tree in an orange grove, a lost shred of tire on concrete, a broadcast breaking up near Saturn.” Among the detritus, Kate Schapira and Erika Howsare map responsibility and habit, power and self-satisfaction, loss and change. “The landfill is no land at all; it’s a place at the end of land, which we fill with what will never turn into land, and then it does, it quakes, it emits, just like us. If you could only be a scavenger, would you rather not live?” Language, cells, people, materials, life forms and systems in FILL: A Collection accumulate, rot, revise, transform, degrade, but never disappear.

About the Authors

Kate Schapira is the author of five full-length books of poetry, most recently Handbook For Hands That Alter As We Hold Them Out (Horse Less Press), and eleven chapbooks. She lives in Providence, RI, where she writes, teaches, co-runs the Publicly Complex Reading Series, and periodically offers Climate Anxiety Counseling.





Erika Howsare is the author of several previous chapbooks and has served as an editor at Horse Less Press since 2005. She lives in rural Virginia, where she mothers full-time and works as a journalist.